
From Our Time Travel Wiki
Revision as of 20:42, 9 August 2021 by Timetrave (talk | contribs) (Created page with "local p = {} -- _fetch looks at the "demo" argument. local _fetch = require('Module:Transclusion_count').fetch local yesno = require('Module:Yesno') function p.num(frame, co...")
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local p = {}

-- _fetch looks at the "demo" argument. local _fetch = require('Module:Transclusion_count').fetch local yesno = require('Module:Yesno')

function p.num(frame, count) if count == nil then if yesno(frame.args['fetch']) == false then if (frame.args[1] or ) ~= then count = tonumber(frame.args[1]) end else count = _fetch(frame) end end

-- Build output string local return_value = "" if count == nil then if frame.args[1] == "risk" then return_value = "a very large number of" else return_value = "many" end else -- Use 2 significant figures for smaller numbers and 3 for larger ones local sigfig = 2 if count >= 100000 then sigfig = 3 end

-- Prepare to round to appropriate number of sigfigs local f = math.floor(math.log10(count)) - sigfig + 1

-- Round and insert "approximately" or "+" when appropriate if (frame.args[2] == "yes") or (mw.ustring.sub(frame.args[1],-1) == "+") then -- Round down return_value = string.format("%s+", mw.getContentLanguage():formatNum(math.floor( (count / 10^(f)) ) * (10^(f))) ) else -- Round to nearest return_value = string.format("approximately %s", mw.getContentLanguage():formatNum(math.floor( (count / 10^(f)) + 0.5) * (10^(f))) ) end

-- Insert percentage of pages if that is likely to be >= 1% and when |no-percent= not set to yes if count and count > 250000 and not yesno (frame:getParent().args['no-percent']) then local percent = math.floor( ( (count/frame:callParserFunction('NUMBEROFPAGES', 'R') ) * 100) + 0.5) if percent >= 1 then return_value = string.format("%s pages, or roughly %s%% of all", return_value, percent) end end end

return return_value end -- Actions if there is a large (greater than or equal to 100,000) transclusion count function p.risk(frame) local return_value = "" if frame.args[1] == "risk" then return_value = "risk" else local count = _fetch(frame) if count and count >= 100000 then return_value = "risk" end end return return_value end

function p.text(frame, count) -- Only show the information about how this template gets updated if someone -- is actually editing the page and maybe trying to update the count. local bot_text = (frame:preprocess("25") == "") and "\n\n----\nPreview message: Transclusion count updated automatically (see documentation)." or

if count == nil then if yesno(frame.args['fetch']) == false then if (frame.args[1] or ) ~= then count = tonumber(frame.args[1]) end else count = _fetch(frame) end end local title = mw.title.getCurrentTitle() if title.subpageText == "doc" or title.subpageText == "sandbox" then title = title.basePageTitle end

local systemMessages = frame.args['system'] if frame.args['system'] == then systemMessages = nil end

local templateCount = ('on %s pages'):format( mw.title.getCurrentTitle().namespace, mw.uri.encode(title.text), p.num(frame, count)) local used_on_text = "This " .. (mw.title.getCurrentTitle().namespace == 828 and "Lua module" or "template") .. ' is used '; if systemMessages then used_on_text = used_on_text .. systemMessages .. ((count and count > 2000) and (", and " .. templateCount) or ("")) else used_on_text = used_on_text .. templateCount .. "" end

local sandbox_text = ("%s's /sandbox or /testcases subpages, or in your own %s. "):format( (mw.title.getCurrentTitle().namespace == 828 and "module" or "template"), title.fullText, title.fullText, mw.title.getCurrentTitle().namespace == 828 and "Module:Sandbox|module sandbox" or "Wikipedia:User pages#SUB|user subpage" )

local infoArg = frame.args["info"] ~= "" and frame.args["info"] if (systemMessages or frame.args[1] == "risk" or (count and count >= 100000) ) then local info = systemMessages and '.
Changes to it can cause immediate changes to the Wikipedia user interface.' or '.' if infoArg then info = info .. "
" .. infoArg end sandbox_text = info .. '
To avoid major disruption' .. (count and count >= 100000 and ' and server load' or ) .. ', any changes should be tested in the ' .. sandbox_text .. 'The tested changes can be added to this page in a single edit. ' else sandbox_text = (infoArg and ('.
' .. infoArg .. ' C') or ' and c') .. 'hanges may be widely noticed. Test changes in the ' .. sandbox_text end

local discussion_text = systemMessages and 'Please discuss changes ' or 'Consider discussing changes ' if frame.args["2"] and frame.args["2"] ~= "" and frame.args["2"] ~= "yes" then discussion_text = string.format("%sat %s", discussion_text, frame.args["2"]) else discussion_text = string.format("%son the talk page", discussion_text, title.talkPageTitle.fullText ) end

return used_on_text .. sandbox_text .. discussion_text .. " before implementing them." .. bot_text end

function p.main(frame) local count = nil if yesno(frame.args['fetch']) == false then if (frame.args[1] or ) ~= then count = tonumber(frame.args[1]) end else count = _fetch(frame) end local image = "Warning" local type_param = "style" local epilogue = if frame.args['system'] and frame.args['system'] ~= then image = "Warning" type_param = "content" local nocat = frame:getParent().args['nocat'] or frame.args['nocat'] local categorise = (nocat == or not yesno(nocat)) if categorise then epilogue = frame:preprocess() end elseif (frame.args[1] == "risk" or (count and count >= 100000)) then image = "Warning" type_param = "content" end

if frame.args["form"] == "editnotice" then return frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'editnotice', args = { ["image"] = image, ["text"] = p.text(frame, count), ["expiry"] = (frame.args["expiry"] or "") } } .. epilogue else return require('Module:Message box').main('ombox', { type = type_param, image = image, text = p.text(frame, count), expiry = (frame.args["expiry"] or "") }) .. epilogue end end

return p