Template:United States presidents by age: Difference between revisions

From Our Time Travel Wiki
(Created page with "<timeline> ImageSize = width:660 height:700 PlotArea = width:580 height:670 left:80 bottom:30 AlignBars = justify Colors = id:pre value:rgb(0.7,0.7,0.7) # grey id:pres...")
m (1 revision imported)
(2 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
Line 1: Line 1:
ImageSize = width:660 height:700
ImageSize = width:1000 height:700
PlotArea  = width:580 height:670 left:80 bottom:30
PlotArea  = width:900 height:670 left:80 bottom:30
AlignBars = justify
AlignBars = justify

Line 10: Line 10:
   id:alive value:rgb(0.5,0.8,0.5) # green
   id:alive value:rgb(0.5,0.8,0.5) # green

Period    = from:0 till:102
Period    = from:0 till:100
TimeAxis  = orientation:horizontal
TimeAxis  = orientation:horizontal
ScaleMajor = unit:year increment:10 start:0
ScaleMajor = unit:year increment:10 start:0
Line 173: Line 173:
   bar:Carter color:alive from:0  till:  52.3
   bar:Carter color:alive from:0  till:  52.3
   bar:Carter color:pres from:52.3  till:  56.3
   bar:Carter color:pres from:52.3  till:  56.3
   bar:Carter color:alive from:56.3  till:  96.1
   bar:Carter color:alive from:56.3  till:  96.94

   bar:Reagan color:pre from:0  till:  69.96
   bar:Reagan color:pre from:0  till:  69.96
Line 185: Line 185:
   bar:Clinton color:alive from:0  till:  46.42
   bar:Clinton color:alive from:0  till:  46.42
   bar:Clinton color:pres from:46.42  till:  54.42
   bar:Clinton color:pres from:46.42  till:  54.42
   bar:Clinton color:alive from:54.42  till:  74.22
   bar:Clinton color:alive from:54.42  till:  75.06

   bar:G.&#32;W.&#32;Bush color:alive from:0  till:  54.54
   bar:G.&#32;W.&#32;Bush color:alive from:0  till:  54.54
   bar:G.&#32;W.&#32;Bush color:pres from:54.54  till:  62.54
   bar:G.&#32;W.&#32;Bush color:pres from:54.54  till:  62.54
   bar:G.&#32;W.&#32;Bush color:alive from:62.54  till:  74.34
   bar:G.&#32;W.&#32;Bush color:alive from:62.54  till:  75.18

   bar:Obama color:alive from:0  till:  47.46
   bar:Obama color:alive from:0  till:  47.46
   bar:Obama color:pres from:47.46  till:  55.46
   bar:Obama color:pres from:47.46  till:  55.46
   bar:Obama color:alive from:55.46  till:  59.26
   bar:Obama color:alive from:55.46  till:  60.10

   bar:Trump color:alive from:0  till:  70.6
   bar:Trump color:alive from:0  till:  70.6
   bar:Trump color:pres from:70.6  till:  74.6
   bar:Trump color:pres from:70.6  till:  74.6
   bar:Trump color:alive from:74.6  till:  74.61
   bar:Trump color:alive from:74.6  till:  75.24

   bar:Biden color:alive from:0  till:  78.17
   bar:Biden color:alive from:0  till:  78.17
   bar:Biden color:pres from:78.17  till:  78.17
   bar:Biden color:pres from:78.17  till:  79.17

</timeline> <noinclude>
[[Category:Graphical timeline templates|US Presidents]]
[[Category:President of the United States templates|{{PAGENAME}}]]
[[Category:United States presidency timelines|τ]]

Latest revision as of 17:59, 12 August 2022

<timeline> ImageSize = width:1000 height:700 PlotArea = width:900 height:670 left:80 bottom:30 AlignBars = justify

Colors =

 id:pre   value:rgb(0.7,0.7,0.7) # grey
 id:pres  value:rgb(0,0,1) # blue
 id:post  value:rgb(0.7,0.7,0.7) # grey
 id:alive value:rgb(0.5,0.8,0.5) # green

Period = from:0 till:100 TimeAxis = orientation:horizontal ScaleMajor = unit:year increment:10 start:0 ScaleMinor = unit:year increment:1 start:0

LineData =

at:10 layer:front width:0.25
at:20 layer:front width:0.25
at:30 layer:front width:0.25
at:40 layer:front width:0.25
at:50 layer:front width:0.25
at:60 layer:front width:0.25
at:70 layer:front width:0.25
at:80 layer:front width:0.25
at:90 layer:front width:0.25
at:100 layer:front width:0.25


 align:center   width:8 shift:(0,-0)
 bar:Washington color:pre from:0  till:  57.18
 bar:Washington color:pres from:57.18  till:  65.02
 bar:Washington color:post from:65.02  till:  67.8
 bar:Adams color:pre from:0  till:  61.34
 bar:Adams color:pres from:61.34  till:  65.34
 bar:Adams color:post from:65.34  till:  90.67
 bar:Jefferson color:pre from:0  till:  57.89
 bar:Jefferson color:pres from:57.89  till:  65.89
 bar:Jefferson color:post from:65.89  till:  83.22
 bar:Madison color:pre from:0  till:  57.97
 bar:Madison color:pres from:57.97  till:  65.97
 bar:Madison color:post from:65.97  till:  85.29
 bar:Monroe color:pre from:0  till:  58.85
 bar:Monroe color:pres from:58.85  till:  66.85
 bar:Monroe color:post from:66.85  till:  73.18
 bar:J. Q. Adams color:pre from:0  till:  57.65
 bar:J. Q. Adams color:pres from:57.65  till:  61.65
 bar:J. Q. Adams color:post from:61.65  till:  80.63
 bar:Jackson color:pre from:0  till:  61.97
 bar:Jackson color:pres from:61.97  till:  69.97
 bar:Jackson color:post from:69.97  till:  78.23
 bar:Van Buren color:pre from:0  till:  79.63
 bar:Van Buren color:pres from:54.24  till:  58.24
 bar:W. Harrison color:pre from:0  till:  68.04
 bar:W. Harrison color:pres from:68.04  till:  68.14
 bar:Tyler color:pre from:0  till:  51.02
 bar:Tyler color:pres from:51.02  till:  54.94
 bar:Tyler color:post from:54.94  till:  71.82
 bar:Polk color:pre from:0  till:  49.33
 bar:Polk color:pres from:49.33  till:  53.33
 bar:Polk color:post from:53.33  till:  53.61
 bar:Taylor color:pre from:0  till:  64.27
 bar:Taylor color:pres from:64.27  till:  65.62
 bar:Fillmore color:pre from:0  till:  50.5
 bar:Fillmore color:pres from:50.5  till:  53.15
 bar:Fillmore color:post from:53.15  till:  74.16
 bar:Pierce color:pre from:0  till:  48.28
 bar:Pierce color:pres from:48.28  till:  52.28
 bar:Pierce color:post from:52.28  till:  64.88
 bar:Buchanan color:pre from:0  till:  65.86
 bar:Buchanan color:pres from:65.86  till:  69.86
 bar:Buchanan color:post from:69.86  till:  77.1
 bar:Lincoln color:pre from:0  till:  52.05
 bar:Lincoln color:pres from:52.05  till:  56.17
 bar:A. Johnson color:pre from:0  till:  56.29
 bar:A. Johnson color:pres from:56.29  till:  60.17
 bar:A. Johnson color:post from:60.17  till:  66.58
 bar:Grant color:pre from:0  till:  46.85
 bar:Grant color:pres from:46.85  till:  54.85
 bar:Grant color:post from:54.85  till:  63.24
 bar:Hayes color:pre from:0  till:  54.41
 bar:Hayes color:pres from:54.41  till:  58.41
 bar:Hayes color:post from:58.41  till:  70.28
 bar:Garfield color:pre from:0  till:  49.29
 bar:Garfield color:pres from:49.29  till:  49.84
 bar:Arthur color:pre from:0  till:  51.96
 bar:Arthur color:pres from:51.96  till:  55.41
 bar:Arthur color:post from:55.41  till:  57.12
 bar:Cleveland color:pre from:0  till:  47.96
 bar:Cleveland color:pres from:47.96  till:  51.96
 bar:Cleveland color:post from:51.96  till:  55.96
 bar:Cleveland color:pres from:55.96  till:  59.96
 bar:Cleveland color:post from:59.96  till:  71.27
 bar:B. Harrison color:pre from:0  till:  55.54
 bar:B. Harrison color:pres from:55.54  till:  59.54
 bar:B. Harrison color:post from:59.54  till:  67.56
 bar:McKinley color:pre from:0  till:  54.09
 bar:McKinley color:pres from:54.09  till:  58.62
 bar:T. Roosevelt color:pre from:0  till:  42.88
 bar:T. Roosevelt color:pres from:42.88  till:  50.35
 bar:T. Roosevelt color:post from:50.35  till:  60.19
 bar:Taft color:pre from:0  till:  51.47
 bar:Taft color:pres from:51.47  till:  55.47
 bar:Taft color:post from:55.47  till:  72.48
 bar:Wilson color:pre from:0  till:  56.18
 bar:Wilson color:pres from:56.18  till:  64.18
 bar:Wilson color:post from:64.18  till:  67.1
 bar:Harding color:pre from:0  till:  55.33
 bar:Harding color:pres from:55.33  till:  57.74
 bar:Coolidge color:pre from:0  till:  51.08
 bar:Coolidge color:pres from:51.08  till:  56.67
 bar:Coolidge color:post from:56.67  till:  60.51
 bar:Hoover color:pre from:0  till:  54.56
 bar:Hoover color:pres from:54.56  till:  58.56
 bar:Hoover color:post from:58.56  till:  90.19
 bar:F. Roosevelt color:pre from:0  till:  51.09
 bar:F. Roosevelt color:pres from:51.09  till:  63.2
 bar:Truman color:pre from:0  till:  60.93
 bar:Truman color:pres from:60.93  till:  68.71
 bar:Truman color:post from:68.71  till:  88.64
 bar:Eisenhower color:pre from:0  till:  62.27
 bar:Eisenhower color:pres from:62.27  till:  70.27
 bar:Eisenhower color:post from:70.27  till:  78.45
 bar:Kennedy color:pre from:0  till:  43.65
 bar:Kennedy color:pres from:43.65  till:  46.49
 bar:Johnson color:pre from:0  till:  55.24
 bar:Johnson color:pres from:55.24  till:  60.4
 bar:Johnson color:post from:60.4  till:  64.41
 bar:Nixon color:pre from:0  till:  56.03
 bar:Nixon color:pres from:56.03  till:  61.58
 bar:Nixon color:post from:61.58  till:  81.28
 bar:Ford color:pre from:0  till:  61.07
 bar:Ford color:pres from:61.07  till:  63.52
 bar:Ford color:post from:63.52  till:  93.45
 bar:Carter color:alive from:0  till:  52.3
 bar:Carter color:pres from:52.3  till:  56.3
 bar:Carter color:alive from:56.3  till:  96.94
 bar:Reagan color:pre from:0  till:  69.96
 bar:Reagan color:pres from:69.96  till:  77.96
 bar:Reagan color:post from:77.96  till:  93.33
 bar:G. H. W. Bush color:pre from:0  till:  64.61
 bar:G. H. W. Bush color:pres from:64.61  till:  68.61
 bar:G. H. W. Bush color:post from:68.61  till:  94.47
 bar:Clinton color:alive from:0  till:  46.42
 bar:Clinton color:pres from:46.42  till:  54.42
 bar:Clinton color:alive from:54.42  till:  75.06
 bar:G. W. Bush color:alive from:0  till:  54.54
 bar:G. W. Bush color:pres from:54.54  till:  62.54
 bar:G. W. Bush color:alive from:62.54  till:  75.18
 bar:Obama color:alive from:0  till:  47.46
 bar:Obama color:pres from:47.46  till:  55.46
 bar:Obama color:alive from:55.46  till:  60.10
 bar:Trump color:alive from:0  till:  70.6
 bar:Trump color:pres from:70.6  till:  74.6
 bar:Trump color:alive from:74.6  till:  75.24
 bar:Biden color:alive from:0  till:  78.17
 bar:Biden color:pres from:78.17  till:  79.17
